365 Days of Chicago

"Welcome to my blog. This blog is an attempt to live life to its fullest by capturing the essence of day-to-day life in words and pictures. I am trying to post a picture a day of Windy City, Chicago and write about books, ideas, art, and everything else I feel interesting!"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 21 : Reflection

Going ahead with the theme of the week, Wildwood Nature Center; this picture needed very little editing in Picasa and yet the picture says it all. The log of wood that rose a little above the water gave the impression of a crocodile meditating. The patches of yellow, green, red, and blue reflecting in the water made me fall in love with this place. This would be a perfect place to meditate or just sit back and relax. Here is the picture of the day:


1 comment:

  1. Hi Manasa!
    I was checking out your blog. You are capturing such beautiful moments!! Great work! I had responded on my blog but wanted to respond here as well. You had asked me how I added the reaction section to my blog. If you go to design and edit blog posts, there is a section there for reactions. Best to you!!
