365 Days of Chicago

"Welcome to my blog. This blog is an attempt to live life to its fullest by capturing the essence of day-to-day life in words and pictures. I am trying to post a picture a day of Windy City, Chicago and write about books, ideas, art, and everything else I feel interesting!"

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 23 : Yellow Willow

After yesterday's 'Back to the Roots' picture of the day, the willow tree still stayed with me and I simply had to post another picture of the willow tree. I wish I had started this challenge in spring and I would have gotten a picture of a green willow swaying its wailing branches. However, I know it gets better from now, the snow will have new things in store for me and Spring would bring back my willow tree, full blossom. Here is the picture of the day:

'Yellow Willow'

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