365 Days of Chicago

"Welcome to my blog. This blog is an attempt to live life to its fullest by capturing the essence of day-to-day life in words and pictures. I am trying to post a picture a day of Windy City, Chicago and write about books, ideas, art, and everything else I feel interesting!"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 2 : Wind and Swimming

The windy city proved its name yesterday when the winds ran a wild 45 mph with small planes crashing to the ground, O'Hare Airport held hostage by the winds, and trees falling on cars. Miraculously, Helen Miller survived the day even though a branch from a falling tree pierced into her body. The pictures of her crushed smart car sent shivers in my spine and I wish her a speedy recovery.

The day was veiled with enormous dark clouds and the winds shook the trees as if they were in a pepper mill. However, the contrast of these grey clouds behind the yellow autumn trees looked really beautiful and I took pictures. Here is the picture of the day:
'Wind in Autumn'

The winds calmed down in the evening, and it was time for my first lesson in swimming! I wanted to learn swimming for a long time and finally I could do it. Yeh it is an off season, especially as winter is approaching... but when the opportunity presents itself, no matter what the time, you grab it :). I do not know many swim instructors in India, but my swim instructor was horrible. She never got into the pool while teaching me and just put a pole for me to catch when I felt like I was drowning. I was so scared that I stopped going to the classes.

I finally decided to give it a try again when my friend, Raji, told me about this Dolphin Swim Club that had temperature controlled swimming pool. Yesterday when I was on my way to the pool, the winds outside the car were roaring and my heart was thumping with fear. I met up with our swim instructor, Kristine, and started practicing. After half an hour, I was gliding with her help and was not scared of swimming anymore!! I can't wait to go back in the pool again. I went to sleep dreaming of the day I could just swim without anyone's help. 

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