365 Days of Chicago

"Welcome to my blog. This blog is an attempt to live life to its fullest by capturing the essence of day-to-day life in words and pictures. I am trying to post a picture a day of Windy City, Chicago and write about books, ideas, art, and everything else I feel interesting!"

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 64 : Hanging Neoregalia

This beautiful ball of Neoregelia Tangerine is an exquisite piece of art. This plant belongs to the family of Bromeliads, which are a whole groups of extreme survivors. They can survive almost anywhere and are famous for surviving on tree tops with the help of their hairy roots that can absorb water from the atmosphere. They are even known to grow in tight groups so that they can form a cup to hold rain water. As I was doing research for this plant, I also found out that they can literally grow on electrical wires, check this Wikipedia picture for proof! Talk about a delicately beautiful plant just as strong! Here is the picture of the day:

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