365 Days of Chicago

"Welcome to my blog. This blog is an attempt to live life to its fullest by capturing the essence of day-to-day life in words and pictures. I am trying to post a picture a day of Windy City, Chicago and write about books, ideas, art, and everything else I feel interesting!"

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 26 : Diving Mallard

I really liked the idea of a weekly theme, and decided to stick to a theme this week too. I planned Animal Week for the next 7 days. Taking the picture of an animal in action is a difficult thing and I try my best to capture the moment. Animals always try to communicate with us in some way or the other, some ask for food, some let you know that you are scaring them, and some are unusually curious.

I am learning swimming and I know how difficult it is to learn. But when you see ducks swimming carelessly in a pond, you wonder how a little furry duckling learned to swim without anyone holding its wing. You wonder even more when a duck dives in to catch a fish, especially when the duck effortlessly dives into the water with its back still floating on the surface. I took a picture of a male Mallard Duck diving into the water to catch some fish. Here is the picture of the day:

The Mallard male duck is easy to recognize with its dark green head and the female is a less colorful brown color. Here is a picture of the original duck male and female Mallard Ducks swimming together:

1 comment:

  1. its a pair.. but i would like to refer them as "a respectable couple" - kalyani
